Date: 1 December 2010,
Duration: 1 hours
Register Now: http://www.renewableenergyfocus.com/webinar/199/building-blocks-how-can-renewable-energy-reach-its-potential/
Time: 14:00 GMT, 9:00 EST, 18:00 UAE
Announcing the latest Renewable Energy Focus interactive webinar, in association with the World Future Energy Summit - Abu Dhabi, 2011.
Few would deny that the age of renewable energy is now here...
Annual investment in new renewable energy capacity has grown from US $20 billion in 2004 to US $150 bn in 2009 (in just 6 years); Total wind power installed capacity has increased from 20 GW in 2000 to 159 GW at the end of 2009; “grid-connected” solar PV has grown by an average of 60% every year for the past decade, increasing 100-fold since 2000.
But the industry can’t afford to rest on its laurels if it really wants to compete with cheaper, conventional forms of energy.
Especially in the current economic climate, funding is harder to come by and Governments are finding it increasingly difficult to justify subsidy programs. In this environment access to funding, and innovation - right along the value chain - becomes more and more important.
So how should the renewable energy industry approach the next 10 years of its development?
What will the webinar cover?
• What needs to be put in place to enable renewable energy technology companies to innovate more effectively?
• What role should Governments play in stimulating new markets?
• Which regions will be at the forefront of technology and manufacturing development?
• What are the best ways that government and industry can work together to advance a new energy economy?
Who should attend:
Anyone with an interest in renewable energy and its market development worldwide.
Remember - Registration is Free and only takes a few minutes of your time to fill in your details.
We hope you enjoy this Renewable Energy Focus webinar in assocation with the World Future Energy Summit. Look out for details of future webinars for 2010 on the Renewable Energy Focus website.
Yours sincerely,
The Renewable Energy Focus team
Register Now