Monday, November 29, 2010

Building blocks: how can renewable energy reach its potential?

------------------------------------ Time: 14:00 GMT, 9:00 EST, 18:00 UAE
Announcing the latest Renewable Energy Focus interactive webinar, in association with the World Future Energy Summit - Abu Dhabi, 2011.
Few would deny that the age of renewable energy is now here...
Annual investment in new renewable energy capacity has grown from US $20 billion in 2004 to US $150 bn in 2009 (in just 6 years); Total wind power installed capacity has increased from 20 GW in 2000 to 159 GW at the end of 2009; “grid-connected” solar PV has grown by an average of 60% every year for the past decade, increasing 100-fold since 2000.
But the industry can’t afford to rest on its laurels if it really wants to compete with cheaper, conventional forms of energy.
Especially in the current economic climate, funding is harder to come by and Governments are finding it increasingly difficult to justify subsidy programs. In this environment access to funding, and innovation - right along the value chain - becomes more and more important.
So how should the renewable energy industry approach the next 10 years of its development?
What will the webinar cover?
• What needs to be put in place to enable renewable energy technology companies to innovate more effectively?
• What role should Governments play in stimulating new markets?
• Which regions will be at the forefront of technology and manufacturing development?
• What are the best ways that government and industry can work together to advance a new energy economy?
Who should attend:
Anyone with an interest in renewable energy and its market development worldwide.
Remember - Registration is Free and only takes a few minutes of your time to fill in your details.
We hope you enjoy this Renewable Energy Focus webinar in assocation with the World Future Energy Summit. Look out for details of future webinars for 2010 on the Renewable Energy Focus website.
Yours sincerely, The Renewable Energy Focus team
Register Now

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The world's biggest wind farm has opened off the coast of Kent and is now generating power

(c) Sky News 2010
The operators of Thanet believe that it heralds a new era in the UK's growing renewable energy sector.
It has cost £800m to build the 100 turbines which will be able to produce 300 megawatts of electricity - enough green energy a year to power the equivalent of more than 200,000 homes.
Energy Secretary Chris Huhne MP told Sky News: "What we are determined to do is by creating more of our own energy within the United Kingdom to make us safe from the shocks we have seen in the past in the oil markets and gas markets.
"That is good news for consumers and businesses."
The site, seven miles off the Kent coast, will boost the country's capacity to generate wind power by 30%, a big step towards reaching the tough targets in place.
But overall the UK is still lagging behind European neighbours in this emerging industry - the reason why the Thanet farm has had to use Danish turbines and is run by a Swedish company.
Environmental campaigners are urging the Government to invest more in renewables.
Friends of the Earth warned that the UK's record on renewable energy remained "dismal" and said more money in green power would deliver jobs and low-carbon industry.
Thanet is determined to support the local economy, as the 21 workers who will maintain the farm are almost entirely from Kent.
Trevor Arnold, 46, retrained after working in the struggling construction industry.
The engineer told Sky News of his pride that there was a new industry offering opportunities in his home town of Ramsgate.
He said: "It is about the future, obviously the youngsters are the future so are wind farms and they should go together as one."
But Thanet already has competition - other developers are already planning to eclipse the wind farm by building an even bigger neighbouring project.
When finished the London Array site in the outer Thames estuary will have 341 turbines with the potential to power 750,000 homes.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Major Explosion At Texas Gas Pipeline

from yahoo news © Sky News 2010

A construction worker died and eight others were injured when a punctured natural gas pipeline exploded in Texas, officials have confirmed.

Gas pipeline explosion in Texas: 3 dead - 7 June 2010

Cleburne City Manager Chester Nolen initially said that the blast had killed three people and left 10 missing near Cleburne, some 50 miles (80 kilometers) southwest of Dallas, Texas.

A crew building power lines struck the pipeline, unleashing an explosion and a huge fireball that shot hundreds of feet into the sky, according to officials.

The fire raged for hours, fueling a massive plume of smoke and scorching the area before it was finally extinguished.

Johnson County Emergency Management Coordinator Jack Snow confirmed the final fatality and injury count.

"We do know it started when they were drilling a hole for a large electrical pole, one of the big metal ones, and they struck a natural gas pipeline and that triggered the explosion," Snow said.

Emergency crews found the body of a subcontractor who had been missing after the blast.

The explosion threw his body about 200 yards from the site, according to Snow.

The injured eight workers were transported to hospital, with most suffering from minor burns.

Footage from the scene showed a huge fireball and acres around the facility in Cleburne in Johnson County severly scorched

TOTAL Petrol station - Sheffield UK

Pump station

Pump station

Domestic Modem + Router

Modem + wireless router + cabling

TV channel box

Virgin channel box

Gas meter installation

Gas meter c/w regulator

Unhealty & unsafe domestic LV, Gas piping and cabling Installation

TV Cable

Rusty gas valve

Unhealty Distribution board (DB)

Messy cable arrangement and old cables have to change

Unhealty incoming paper insulated cable and terminal box cable in rusty/corrosive condition

Traffic system - United Kingdom

Padestrian crossing

Traffic lighting + CCTV

Traffic Light

Traffic lighting

Traffic light - Tram crossing

CCTV + Traffic light + Street Light


Road sign lighting - United Kingdom

This way sign c/w lighting pole

Give way sign c/w lighting

Two way sign c/w lighting pole

Road sign lighting pole

Monday, June 7, 2010

Meadowhall, Sheffield UK

Product detector

Assistant call button at fitting room

Escape chair located at staircase, beside entrance door and etc

Escape chair

Exit signage

Display lighting - spot light

Air conditioning ducting

Lift motor room signages

Fire extinguisher + breakglass point + signage

Sprinkler piping, valves & fittings

Access door (enter) - Keypad type

Access door (release door lock)

30m High mass pole + lighting

Car park Lighting

Car park lighting

Downlight - lighting

Downlight lighting
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